Services and events
Services are held each Sunday morning at 11am at the Church - scroll down for further details
"I am the light of the world; he who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."
(John 8:12)
It's time to celebrate a New Year, and some of you may have some New Year's Resolutions!!
Some of you might be giving something up, or maybe taking up a new hobby, or do more to help the environment.
These are all good ideas but more often than not we give them up after a short while, because "Life" gets in the way.
The bible doesn't mention anything about making resolutions, but it does ask us to examine our lives regularly, and to seek God's help to become better persons. The Bible says "Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord. (Lamentations 3:40). The most common reason we we can't keep our resolutions is because they are probably unrealistic, or you had no clear plan for reaching them. Another reason, is because we seek to reach them in our own strength instead of with God's help. We are spiritually and morally weak and will never be the people God wants us to be, unless we turn to Him for the help we need. the psalmist wrote "My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth" (Psalm 121:2)
As we begin this new year, pause right no and ask God to show you what He wants to do in your life during this coming year. Resolve to grow closer to Christ every day, and with the help of the Holy Spirit to "pursue righteouness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, and gentleness. (1Timothy 6:11)
Billy Graham 2024
We praise you, God, for your Church across the globe. In particular, we lift to You our church partners who are faithfully serving You. We pray for peace and hope to abound. Many are affected by wars, natural disasters, floods, droughts and forest fires. Many are struggling with conflict, poverty and the global food crisis. Father, please protect those who are vunerable to illness around the world, especially children and babies living in poverty and particularly those children who have been made orphans in areas of conflict. Father we pray for your protection and healing. We pray for our partner churches who work so hard to look after their communities. Dear Father, we pray for countries experiencing the turmoil of conflict and political instability, We ask for peace to be restored. Please grant wisdom and integrity to world Leaders so that they will work for the good of the people they govern and serve.
We know that you listen to our prayers when our hearts and minds can feel overwhelmed by the immense challenges affecting people, all around the world as well as our loved ones. Scripture promises that when we turn to you, you will respond with compassion. Verse 1 in Psalm 46 says "God is our refuge and strength, and ever-present help in trouble.
In the Name of Jesus
January's gift will be for Tear Fund
Sunday 5th January
11 am Morning Service
Led by Mrs Mary Burgess
Speaker: Mr Keith Burrows
Tuesday 7th January
10.30am Coffee Cake and Chat​
Sunday 12th January
With Communion
Led by Mrs Lynne Crofts
Speaker: Mr Steve Bedford​​​​
Tuesday 14th January
10.30 am Bible Study at UCF
Sunday 19th January
11a.m. Morning Service
Led by Mrs Eileen Beer
Speaker Rev. Joan Cole
Tuesday 2lst January
Bible Study at UCF
Sunday 26th January​
11a.m. Morning Service
With Communion
Led by Mrs Meg Rendle
SpeakerMr David Hopwood
4 pm All-Age Service​​​
Followed by buffet tea
Sunday 29th December​
11am Morning Service
Led by Mr David Brown
​Once per month we have an afternoon service especially for children, but which includes the whole family.
We invite you to come along and join us. Our aim is to encourage children to participate in the service and enjoy time spent with friends and family.
We have a varied programme, sometimes we are joined with puppet and Puppeteer, readings of Bible stories, and singing.
The service is followed by a Buffet Tea which is always a huge success, and lots of fellowship and hopefully meeting new children and their parents/guardians.
Bible Studies
In our studies, we all share equally in reading the chosen passage of Scripture and discussing what it means in its historic setting as well as its relevance to us as 21st Century believers in Jesus.
We are continually amazed at the richness of God's Word and how it relates to our situation.​
You can see what we are currently studying and learn more on our Bible Groups page here.
Jesus told his disciples to remember Him and his sacrifice every time they shared bread and wine together.
We do as He told them on the second and fourth Sundays of each month, as an integral part of our Morning Service.
All who love the Lord Jesus and know Him as Saviour are welcome to join us in this simple meal.